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Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications

Biological Sciences

Acta Crystallographica Section F is a rapid structural biology communications journal.

Articles on any aspect of structural biology, including structures determined using high-throughput methods or from iterative studies such as those used in the pharmaceutical industry, are welcomed by the journal.

The journal offers the option of open access, and all communications benefit from unlimited free use of colour illustrations and no page charges. Authors are encouraged to submit multimedia content for publication with their articles.

Acta Cryst. F has a dedicated online tool called publBio that is designed to make the preparation and submission of articles easier for authors.

Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications

Language: English
EISSN: 1744-3091
Scimago Journal Ranking (2013): 0,140
Hirsh Index: 1
Availability: 2005-present (embargo: 24 months)


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