Scopus is a large abstract and citation database for academic research. It covers a wide range of disciplines, and journals indexed in Scopus span many fields including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and more.
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database for academic research. It covers a wide range of disciplines, and journals indexed in Scopus span many fields including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and more.
Sopus indexed journals - L -
Browse the journal titles Journals starting with L
Sopus indexed journals - L -
- L -
Browse the journal titles
Print-ISSN Source Title available in the Scopus Source Browse list 0078-6608 L' Orthodontie francaise
0075-966X La Linguistique
0503-1540 La Mer
1247-4819 La Revue du MAUSS
0093-7355 Lab Animal
1473-0197 Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology
0023-656X Labor History
0160-449X Labor Studies Journal
0342-3026 Laboratoriums Medizin
0023-6772 Laboratory Animals
0023-6810 Laboratory Equipment
1080-2924 Laboratory Hematology
0023-6837 Laboratory Investigation
0007-5027 Laboratory Medicine
0700-3862 Labour
1121-7081 Labour
0927-5371 Labour Economics
0023-6942 Labour History
0961-5652 Labour History Review
0706-1706 Labour, Capital and Society
0308-3039 Lace
0023-7213 Laeknabladid.
0023-7205 Lakartidningen
0743-8141 Lake and Reservoir Management
1320-5331 Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management
0140-6736 Lancet
1473-3099 Lancet Infectious Diseases
1474-4422 Lancet Neurology
1470-2045 Lancet Oncology
1085-3278 Land Degradation and Development
0023-7639 Land Economics
0264-8377 Land Use Policy
0458-6859 Landbauforschung Volkenrode
0023-7930 Landfall
1860-1871 Landscape and Ecological Engineering
0169-2046 Landscape and Urban Planning
0023-8031 Landscape Architecture
0921-2973 Landscape Ecology
0143-3768 Landscape History
0277-2426 Landscape Journal
1865-1542 Landscape Online
0142-6397 Landscape Research
1492-9600 Landscapes
0169-6300 Landschap
1612-510X Landslides
0181-4095 Langage et Societe
0458-726X Langages
1435-2443 Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery
0743-7463 Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids
0097-8507 Language
1048-9223 Language Acquisition
0169-0965 Language and Cognitive Processes
0271-5309 Language and Communication
0921-5034 Language and Computers
0950-0782 Language and Education
1470-8477 Language and Intercultural Communication
1606-822X Language and Linguistics
0963-9470 Language and Literature
0023-8309 Language and Speech
1543-4303 Language Assessment Quarterly
0965-8416 Language Awareness
0047-4045 Language in Society
0023-8333 Language Learning
1547-5441 Language Learning and Development
1094-3501 Language Learning and Technology
0957-1736 Language Learning Journal
1022-8195 Language Matters
1568-4555 Language Policy
0272-2690 Language Problems and Language Planning
1574-020X Language Resources and Evaluation
0388-0001 Language Sciences
0261-4448 Language Teaching
1362-1688 Language Teaching Research
0265-5322 Language Testing
0954-3945 Language Variation and Change
0790-8318 Language, Culture and Curriculum
0161-1461 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools
1387-6759 Languages in Contrast
0023-8368 Langue Francaise
0066-2399 L'Annee Sociologique
1124-4593 Large Animal Review
1863-4672 Larmbekampfung
0935-8943 Laryngo- Rhino- Otologie
0023-852X Laryngoscope
0263-0346 Laser and Particle Beams
1863-8880 Laser and Photonics Reviews
1043-8092 Laser Focus World
1054-660X Laser Physics
1612-2011 Laser Physics Letters
0898-5901 Laser Therapy
0898-1507 Lasers in Engineering
0268-8921 Lasers in Medical Science
0196-8092 Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
0884-3236 Late imperial China = Ch'ing shih wen t'i
1357-650X Laterality
1744-2222 Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies
0327-0793 Latin American Applied Research
1097-8526 Latin American Business Review
0888-5613 Latin American Indian Literatures Journal
0718-560X Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
0719-0425 Latin American Journal of Economics
1669-7316 Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis
1679-7817 Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
0094-582X Latin American Perspectives
1531-426X Latin American Politics and Society
0023-8791 Latin American Research Review
0023-8813 Latin American Theatre Review
1476-3435 Latino Studies
0023-8856 Latomus
0868-8257 Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
0023-9054 Laval Theologique et Philosophique
0023-9186 Law and Contemporary Problems
0957-8536 Law and Critique
1943-3867 Law and Development Review
1938-2545 Law and Ethics of Human Rights
0738-2480 Law and History Review
0147-7307 Law and Human Behavior
1535-685X Law and Literature
0167-5249 Law and Philosophy
0265-8240 Law and Policy
1569-1853 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
0897-6546 Law and Social Inquiry
0023-9216 Law and Society Review
0023-9283 Law Library Journal
0306-9400 Law Teacher
1743-8721 Law, Culture and the Humanities
1470-8396 Law, Probability and Risk
0210-9778 Lazaroa
1471-6577 LC-GC Europe
1527-5949 LC-GC North America
0092-4458 LDA journal
0892-743X LDB Interior Textiles
1553-0671 LDI issue brief
1124-9390 Le infezioni in medicina : rivista periodica di eziologia, epidemiologia, diagnostica, clinica e terapia delle patologie infettive
1761-0583 Le journal des médecines cunéiformes
0464-7874 Le Mali médical
1742-7150 Leadership
1532-6748 Leadership and Management in Engineering
0143-7739 Leadership and Organization Development Journal
1570-0763 Leadership and Policy in Schools
1751-1879 Leadership in Health Services
1048-9843 Leadership Quarterly
1070-485X Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK)
0953-1513 Learned Publishing
1543-4494 Learning and Behavior
1041-6080 Learning and Individual Differences
0959-4752 Learning and Instruction
1072-0502 Learning and Memory
0023-9690 Learning and Motivation
0938-8982 Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
0731-9487 Learning Disability Quarterly
1387-1579 Learning Environments Research
1869-697X Learning Imaging
0969-6474 Learning Organization
2210-6561 Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
1743-9884 Learning, Media and Technology
0023-9909 Lebende Sprachen
1613-7736 Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics
1865-1348 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
1439-7358 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
0302-9743 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
0170-8643 Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
0930-0317 Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences
0075-8442 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
1876-1100 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
0075-8434 Lecture Notes in Mathematics
0075-8450 Lecture Notes in Physics
1867-8211 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
0748-4321 Legacy
1355-3259 Legal and Criminological Psychology
0040-7585 Legal History Review
1566-6573 Legal Issues of Economic Integration
1344-6223 Legal Medicine
0270-319X Legal Reference Services Quarterly
0261-3875 Legal Studies
1352-3252 Legal Theory
0866-4811 Lege Artis Medicine
0362-9805 Legislative Studies Quarterly
1752-1467 Legisprudence
0250-5371 Legume Research
1524-1556 Leibniz Review
0922-1565 Leiden Journal of International Law
0149-0400 Leisure Sciences
0261-4367 Leisure Studies
1492-7713 Leisure/ Loisir
0457-4214 Lekarsky Obzor
0013-7006 L'Encephale
0075-8744 Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
0024-094X Leonardo
1583-1078 Leonardo Journal of Practices and Technologies
0961-1215 Leonardo Music Journal
0305-7518 Leprosy Review
0248-9430 Les Cahiers de l'Apliut
0755-9593 Les Sciences de l'education pour l'ere nouvelle
0024-1164 Lethaia
0024-1334 Lettere Italiane
0266-8254 Letters in Applied Microbiology
1570-1808 Letters in Drug Design and Discovery
0377-9017 Letters in Mathematical Physics
1570-1786 Letters in Organic Chemistry
1864-4031 Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
1778-4298 Lettre de Medecine Physique et de Readaptation
0024-1415 Lettres Romanes
0887-6924 Leukemia
1042-8194 Leukemia and Lymphoma
0145-2126 Leukemia Research
2213-0489 Leukemia Research Reports
1550-2724 LEUKOS - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
0024-1482 Leuvense Bijdragen
0075-8914 Levant
1525-6995 Leviathan
1581-5374 Lex Localis
1684-4904 Lexikos
0254-9239 Lexis (Peru)
2210-8823 Lexis (Spain)
1879-7865 LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition
1008-0562 Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science Edition)
0304-0003 Lias
1435-5205 LIBER Quarterly
0024-2020 Liberte
1932-4855 Libraries and the Cultural Record
0024-2160 Library
0196-0075 Library and Archival Security
0373-4447 Library and Information Science
0740-8188 Library and Information Science Research
1464-9055 Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services
0737-8831 Library Hi Tech
0741-9058 Library Hi Tech News
0363-0277 Library Journal
1945-8851 Library Leadership and Management
0143-5124 Library Management
1522-0222 Library Philosophy and Practice
0024-2519 Library Quarterly
0024-2527 Library Resources and Technical Services
0024-2535 Library Review
0024-2594 Library Trends
1058-6768 Libres
0024-2667 Libri
0300-8142 Libri Oncologici
1993-2820 Libyan Journal of Medicine
0024-2829 Lichenologist
1960-6052 Lidil
1619-0548 Lied und Populare Kultur
1097-8135 Life Science Journal
0024-3205 Life Sciences
2035-5963 Life Span and Disability
1448-4528 Life Writing
1380-7870 Lifetime Data Analysis
0236-2945 Light and Engineering
0024-3345 Light Metal Age
0360-6325 Lighting Design and Application: LD and A
1477-1535 Lighting Research and Technology
0741-5834 Lightwave
0024-3477 Lijecnicki Vjesnik
1019-5297 Likarska sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorovia Ukrainy
0049-8653 Lili - Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik
2029-0187 Limes
0213-8409 Limnetica
0075-9511 Limnologica
1439-8621 Limnology
0024-3590 Limnology and Oceanography
1539-607X Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin
1541-5856 Limnology and Oceanography: Methods
0024-3620 Limosa
1001-1781 Lin chuang er bi yan hou ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology
0253-2417 Linchan Huaxue Yu Gongye/Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products
0105-0761 Lindbergia
0024-3795 Linear Algebra and Its Applications
0308-1087 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
0024-3841 Lingua
0024-385X Lingua e Stile
0024-3868 Lingua Nostra
0079-4740 Lingua Posnaniensis
0098-9053 Linguistic Analysis
0024-3892 Linguistic Inquiry
1424-8689 Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication
0167-6318 Linguistic Review
1430-0532 Linguistic Typology
0024-3922 Linguistica
0862-8432 Linguistica Pragensia
0208-4228 Linguistica Silesiana
0868-4731 Linguistica Uralica
0024-3949 Linguistics
0898-5898 Linguistics and Education
1749-818X Linguistics and Language Compass
0165-0157 Linguistics and Philosophy
0731-3500 Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area
0378-4169 Lingvisticae Investigationes
0211-2574 Lino
0147-2593 Lion and the Unicorn
1178-6353 Lipid Insights
0956-666X Lipid Technology
0024-4201 Lipids
1476-511X Lipids in Health and Disease
0267-8292 Liquid Crystals
1358-314X Liquid Crystals Today
1210-3306 Listy Cukrovarnicke a Reparske
0024-4457 Listy Filologicke
1043-6928 LIT Literature Interpretation Theory
1741-4350 Literacy
1938-8071 Literacy Research and Instruction
0268-1145 Literary and Linguistics Computing
1523-9012 Literary Imagination
0024-4589 Literary Review
0024-466X Literatur und Kritik
0716-5811 Literatura y Linguistica
0306-1973 Literature and History
0278-9671 Literature and medicine
0269-1205 Literature and Theology
0090-4260 Literature-Film Quarterly
0024-4902 Lithology and Mineral Resources
0024-4937 Lithos
1941-8264 Lithosphere
1392-5504 Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review
1648-8504 Lithuanian Journal of Physics
0363-1672 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
0047-4800 Litterature
0563-9751 Litteratures
0458-063X Liturgy
1478-3223 Liver International
1527-6465 Liver Transplantation
0144-932X Liverpool Law Review
0121-3784 Livestock Research for Rural Development
1871-1413 Livestock Science
1813-856X Living Reviews in European Governance
1863-7329 Living Reviews in Landscape Research
1433-8351 Living Reviews in Relativity
0459-1879 Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1001-5493 Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption
1846-5412 Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada
1461-1570 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics
1178-7112 Local and Regional Anesthesia
0269-0942 Local Economy
1354-9839 Local Environment
0300-3930 Local Government Studies
0143-2974 Local Population Studies
1425-3305 Logic and Logical Philosophy
1367-0751 Logic Journal of the IGPL
1661-8297 Logica Universalis
1860-5974 Logical Methods in Computer Science
0024-5836 Logique et Analyse
1860-7977 Logistics Journal
1865-035X Logistics Research
1401-5439 Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology
1575-6866 Logos
1091-6687 Logos - Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
0868-7692 Logos (Lithuania)
1023-2583 Logos and Pneuma - Chinese Journal of Theology
0705-3436 Loisir et Societe
0305-8034 London Journal
1757-1472 London Journal of Primary Care
1474-8460 London Review of Education
0024-6301 Longe Range Planning
1124-9064 Lotus International
0024-6859 Louisiana Law Review
0024-6956 Louvain Medical
1063-777X Low Temperature Physics
1344-9656 Lowland Technology International
0102-6445 Lua Nova - Revista de Cultura e Politica
1080-9449 Lubes-n-Greases
0954-0075 Lubrication Science
0076-1435 Lud
1522-7235 Luminescence : the journal of biological and chemical luminescence
0346-8976 LUNDQUA Thesis - Lund University, Department of Quarternary Geology
0341-2040 Lung
0169-5002 Lung Cancer
1179-2728 Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy
0970-2113 Lung India
0961-2033 Lupus
0211-5891 Lurralde
0076-1508 Lusitania Sacra
0024-7413 Luso-Brazilian Review
0933-3347 Luzifer-Amor : Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse
1539-6851 Lymphatic Research and Biology
1433-5255 Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis
0024-7766 Lymphology